New Findings from University of Mississippi Update Understanding of Cervical Cancer (Evaluation of Follow-up Colposcopy Procedures After Abnormal Cervical Screening Result Across a Statewide Study In Mississippi).

Zdroj: Women's Health Weekly; 9/13/2024, p824-824, 1p
Abstrakt: A recent study conducted in Mississippi aimed to understand the follow-up procedures for individuals with abnormal cervical screening results. The study found that out of 1,458 individuals requiring a colposcopy, 43% had the procedure within 4 months, 16.4% had a delayed procedure, and 39.5% had no documented follow-up. Age and cytology diagnosis were identified as significant predictors of follow-up, with individuals over 30 more likely to have a colposcopy. The study highlights the need for further research to address incomplete follow-up and improve health outcomes for cervical cancer prevention. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index