Two paralogous PHD finger proteins participate in natural genome editing in Paramecium tetraurelia.

Autor: Häußermann, Lilia, Singh, Aditi, Swart, Estienne C.
Zdroj: Journal of Cell Science; Aug2024, Vol. 137 Issue 16, p1-19, 19p
Abstrakt: The unicellular eukaryote Paramecium tetraurelia contains functionally distinct nuclei: germline micronuclei (MICs) and a somatic macronucleus (MAC). During sex, the MIC genome is reorganized into a new MAC genome and the old MAC is lost. Almost 45,000 unique internal eliminated sequences (IESs) distributed throughout the genome require precise excision to guarantee a functional new MAC genome. Here, we characterize a pair of paralogous PHD finger proteins involved in DNA elimination. DevPF1, the early-expressed paralog, is present in only some of the gametic and post-zygotic nuclei during meiosis. Both DevPF1 and DevPF2 localize in the new developing MACs, where IES excision occurs. Upon DevPF2 knockdown (KD), long IESs are preferentially retained and late-expressed small RNAs decrease; no length preference for retained IESs was observed in DevPF1-KD and development-specific small RNAs were abolished. The expression of at least two genes from the new MAC with roles in genome reorganization seems to be influenced by DevPF1- and DevPF2-KD. Thus, bothPHDfingers are crucial for newMACgenomedevelopment, with distinct functions, potentially via regulation of non-coding and coding transcription in the MICs and new MACs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index