Reports Outline Antiinfectives Research from University of Technology and Applied Sciences (Enhanced Fenton Degradation of Tetracycline over Cerium-Doped MIL88-A/g-C [ [3] ] N [ [4] ] : Catalytic Performance and Mechanism).

Zdroj: Drug Week; 8/30/2024, p1800-1800, 1p
Abstrakt: A recent report from the University of Technology and Applied Sciences discusses research on the degradation of tetracycline, an antibiotic, using a Fenton catalytic approach. The study aimed to address the issue of pharmaceutical residuals reaching aquatic bodies due to the consumption of antibiotics by millions of patients worldwide. The researchers developed a catalyst, (Ce [0.33] Fe) MIL-88A/10%g-C [3] N [4], which demonstrated efficient degradation of tetracycline under optimal conditions. The study also analyzed the reaction rate and identified the primary active species responsible for the degradation. This research provides insights into the potential use of Fenton-like processes for the removal of pharmaceutical pollutants from water bodies. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index