Research from Capital Medical University Has Provided New Study Findings on Multiple Myeloma (Phenylalanine deprivation inhibits multiple myeloma progression by perturbing endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis).

Zdroj: Cancer Weekly; 8/27/2024, p917-917, 1p
Abstrakt: A study conducted by researchers at Capital Medical University in Beijing, China, has found that phenylalanine, an amino acid, plays a crucial role in the progression of multiple myeloma (MM), a type of cancer. The study revealed that phenylalanine levels are decreased in the plasma but elevated in bone marrow cells of MM patients. Inhibiting phenylalanine utilization was found to suppress MM cell growth and enhance the effectiveness of Bortezomib treatment. The researchers concluded that low-phenylalanine diets could be used as an adjuvant treatment for MM. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index