Autor: Sekhar, B. Chandra, Teja, P. Surya, Madhu, R. G.
Zdroj: International Journal of Medicine & Public Health; Jul-Sep2024, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p35-40, 6p
Abstrakt: Background: To evaluate radiological and functional outcome of malunited distal radial fractures treated with iliac crest bone graft and Volar plating with or without K- wires. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted on twenty adult patients with distal radial fractures treated at Department of Orthopaedics, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada between September 2021 to August 2023. Results: The study included twenty cases of malunited distal radius fractures in adults treated with osteotomy, ipsilateral tri cortical iliac crest bone grafting, and volar Ellis plating over a 12- to 18-month period. Right side (dominant wrist) was involved in 12 (60%) patients and the left side involved in 8(40%) patients. In the present study 13 (65%) patients had union within 2-3 months and 7(35%) patients had union in 3-4monthsThere were no cases of delayed union or non –union. Mean preop DASH score – Mean postop DASH score>25 Excellent Mean preop DASH score–Mean postop DASH score16-25 good Mean preop DASH score–Mean postop DASH score 6-15 fair Mean preop DASH score–Mean postop DASH score≤5 poor. Osteotomy, ipsilateraliliac crest bone grafting and volar Ellis plating demonstrates good reproducible outcomes with minimal risk in appropriately selected cases of Malunion. This technique can provide adequate restoration of normal anatomy and soft tissue and vascular preservation, in addition to minimal patient morbidity, which may facilitatea more rapid return to function. Conclusion: We can conclude that osteotomy, tricortical iliac crest bone grafting, and volar Ellis plating are a simple, reliable, and effective method for restoring normal distal radius radiological parameters, particularly in young adults. Functional end results have a direct relationship with anatomical end results, especially in young adults, though good functional results can be obtained even when anatomical results are poor in elderly people due to innate mobility of the wrist joint. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index