Autor: GURANDA, Mihaela
Zdroj: Scientific Research & Education in the Air Force - AFASES; 2024, Vol. 2024, p131-135, 5p
Abstrakt: The human factor in the aeronautical environment has been analyzed in the most frequent cases of flight crew errors and air traffic control. The human factor directly causes many aviation accidents. Studies show that 80% of aviation errors involve human factors. If not detected in time, it can cause accidents. Awareness of the role of the human factor leads to an improvement in the quality of professional and personal activity, to an environment that facilitates the continuous safety of people or aircraft, and to more involvement and responsibility. Reducing the number of errors offers various benefits, from reducing accidents at work to decreasing the number of significant events. Most of the time the human factor is approached in relation to ways of mitigating the risk, preventing the development of problems. The paper aims to highlight multiple interpretations of the human factor in order to become aware of its value and complexity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index