Investigation on physical restraint use in hospital: health responsibility, ethical and medical legal considerations.

Autor: Baldino, G., Messina, A., Asmundo, A., Genovese, G., Genovese, C., Ventura Spagnolo, E., Tarzia, P.
Zdroj: Clinica Terapeutica; 2024 Supplement, Vol. 175, p153-157, 5p
Abstrakt: Background. The issue of restraint has long been considered a difficult political and social situation, affecting both healthcare workers and facilities. The practice of restraint is still widespread in many public and private care settings, but there is a lack of systemic studies capable of monitoring the phenomenon. The framing of the question essentially concerns the right to personal freedom, guaranteed by the Italian Constitution. Materials and Methods. An anonymous questionnaire was developed containing questions on knowledge of the regulations on restraints, how, ways, and when they are implemented, and general information such as age, gender, educational qualification, qualification, O.Us. to which they belong. The collected data were statistically processed (Chi-square test) with the Epi Info 7.1.5 program (CDC-Atlanta- USA). A total of 1002 questionnaires were completed. The stratification of the sample by structure shows that 73.9% were public facilities. The indicative figure is represented by the 23.8% of respondents who say that "the restraint is not noted in the medical record". Conclusions. Restraint could be a real risk for the healthcare worker, encroaching on the issue of health liability. It is therefore important to raise awareness among healthcare professionals and top management of the need to structure, at company level, procedures that comply with the "Recommendations on physical restraint" to overcome the use of restraint through the improvement of care pathways in compliance with organizational and risk management standards. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index