Institutional Voids Effects on Risk Management: Mining Companies Managing Tailing Dam Failures Risks.

Autor: Gambirage, Cinara, Migueles, Carmen, Da Silva, Jaison Caetano, Zanini, Marco
Zdroj: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings; 2024, Vol. 2024 Issue 1, pN.PAG-N.PAG, 1p
Abstrakt: Although scholars have dedicated their efforts to analyzing technical risks in the extractive industry and a body of research has generated impressive insights into these risks, the underlying institutional forces that affect the risk management of tailings dam failures in the mining industry have been underestimated and under-theorized and our understanding is still limited with regard to this puzzle. In this study we attempt to progress our understanding of how institutional voids affect mining firms' management of the risk of a tailings dam failure. We examined the two worst tailings dam disasters (Mariana, 2015; Brumadinho, 2019) in Brazil as a backdrop to the study while its field was a neighboring community near the areas where these two largest tailings spills occurred and which now faces the imminent risk of the collapse of two tailings dams upstream of the village. Brazil is a traditional and key mining producer globally and the sequence of serious disasters with tailings dams that have occurred in recent years and the number of dams at imminent risk of failure have meant that the mining industry and institutional framework have been questioned. We performed a large document analysis and conducted 209 online and in-person interviews with local people and related actors. The study results suggest that deficiencies in regulatory institutions are affecting risk management in the mining industry. The study contributes to the literature by extending discussion of the effects of institutional voids on risk management in extractive firms. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index