Investigation of environmental disturbances in the performance of IR-thermometer verification system.

Autor: Supono, Ihsan, Kusnandar, Nanang, Firdaus, Himma, Kasiyanto, Iput, Utomo, Bayu, Lailiyah, Qudsiyyatul, Wiriadinata, Hidayat, Bakti, Prayoga
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2024, Vol. 3069 Issue 1, p1-9, 9p
Abstrakt: This study examined the effect of environmental disturbances on the performance of an infrared thermometer (IR-thermometer) verification system. This verification system was designed to verify the performance of an IR-thermometer which measures the surface temperature, regardless of the electrical safety, durability, and other quality properties of an IR-thermometer electrical equipment. Two types of physical disturbances, the ambient temperature and the position of the verification system and the IR-thermometer (reproducibility), are simulated in the performance test of the verification system. These disturbances were justified by a risk analysis that considered any harm that could affect the verification system performance. This paper offers some consideration for the performance test of an IR thermometer verification system. Regarding the portability of the verification system, the working temperatures are determined to be 25°C, 27°C, and 29°C. These working temperatures could affect the performance of the verification system. The f-test at a 95% confidence level shows that the error obtained at the ambient temperature of 25°C is significantly different from the error at the ambient temperature of 27°C and 29°C. The error has a tendency to increase along with the increase in ambient temperature. In regard to the user-friendly features of the verification system, different operators could have their own perception of using the system that could lead to a significant error caused by the placement of IR thermometer during a verification procedure. In minimizing this error the tip of the IR thermometer should be placed inside the black body cylinder. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index