خوانش تطبیقی کارکردهای زبانی در اشعار پایداری جابر الجابری و محمد کاظم کاظمی با تکیه بر نظریه ارتباطی رومن یاکوبسن.

Autor: مریم جلالی نژاد, یحیی معروف, علی سلیمی, جهانگیر امیری
Zdroj: Journal of Resistance Literature / Adabīyyāt-i Pāydārī; Spring/Summer2024, Vol. 15 Issue 29, p37-74, 38p
Abstrakt: The structural elements of the verbal process appear in the message as different roles or functions that shape the nature and structure of the speech. Communication theory is one of the most coherent plans of speech act proposed by Roman Jacobsen, a Russian formalist and theorist. Jacobsen's communication model begins with six formative factors in a communication act. The existence of three main factors of sender, receiver and message and three sub-factors of context, code and contact are necessary in the formation of the communication process. Jaber Mohammad Abbas al-Jaberi (Madin al-Mousavi) is one of the prominent Iraqi poets. Mohammad Kazemi Kazemi is an Afghan immigrant poet who played a prominent role in the growth of Afghan resistance poetry. Through a descriptive-analytical method, the current research aims to compare the linguistic functions of Jaber Al-Jaberi's and Mohammad Kazem Kazemi's discourse of resistance, relying on Roman Jacobsen's communication model, so that, considering the communication components in the aforementioned theory, it can provide a new reading of the two poet’s poetry of resistance. 2. Methodology The discourse of resistance is one of the most important themes that has a long history based on the events that happened throughout history in the two countries of Iraq and Afghanistan; therefore, by examining resistance literature in the poetry of these two poets and analyzing the themes of resistance in their poems - relying on the communication themes of Roman Jacobsen- it is possible to do a different reading of the literary texts and highlight the elements of resistance. By examining the constituent elements of verbal processes, it is possible to achieve different functions in these poems that form the nature and structure of the author's speech and message. the present research, therefore, seeks to show the reader a different style of analysis of the elements of resistance by considering the common aspects of elements of resistance in the poetry of Abbas Jaberi and Mohammad Kazem Kazemi and analyzing it based on Jacobsen's theory. 3 Discussion . Content review Poems by Jaber Al-Jaberi and Mohammad Kazem Kazemi, two contemporary Iraqi and Afghan poets of the resistance theme, are realistic about the political, social, and cultural events of their homeland. The lived experience of both poets in a land far from their homeland and in exile, forces them both to think about, and depict it in the form of poems of persistence and struggle, and they see it as their mission as poets to do. Jacobsen's theory of communication is considered a suitable tool for analyzing literary texts with different themes; therefore, this study analyzes poems of resistance by applying Jacobsen's theory. The purpose of this study is to investigate the literary style of two poets of resistance poetry. After collecting poetic data from both poets, their linguistic roles have been investigated and analyzed within the framework of Roman Jacobsen's communication model. 3-1-1. Emotive role One of the tasks of linguistic roles is to express personal-emotional states and to analyze human inner feelings. In some verses, Jaberi uses the objective pronoun ت) me) instead of ک) you) and creates an emotional image in his poem to remind people of, and to arouse their feelings against oppression. By reprimanding and blaming his people, instead of lamenting and regretting, he encourages them to resist and be brave, and reminds them that instead of crying over the graves of the dead, they should be firm like a mountain and seek to shine like the light of the moon: Your promise../ Who will cry out from the generations/ Or all of me will come that one is the moon. The poem begins with the imperative "Silence!" and addressing people, which form the persuasive and emotional linguistic roles, and in the continuation, the emotional role, becomes the dominant role. Since the emotional structure is speaker-based, first person pronoun in verbs such as ام گفته ،ام کرده) I have done, I have said) and those like ،منم من) me, I’m), repeated several times in Kazemi's poems, are the main axis in the emotional function. Although, in terms of linguistic structure, there are other functions such as referential and persuasive functions in these verses, the emotional function is the dominant element. 3-1-2. Conative role Among other functions of language is its conative role. One of the indicators of the conative role is the use of phonetic construction. The function of the address term یا) You!) is due to the phonetic pattern and its syntactic role. By chanting and repeating the word "Karbala", Jaberi informs the audience of an event that makes him think and remember the incident of Karbala. Jaberi's use of the most obvious means of persuasiveness, i.e. the addressing technique and talking to Karbala as his special audience, directly persuades the addressee (receiver) of the message and conveys a message in which there is no possibility of truth or falsity, and the audience is aware of the events of the real world and the extratextual context is also referred to. 3-1-3. Phatic role When the message is directed towards the connection (communication channel), the empathic function is realized. Using questioning tools to start a communication is one of the poet's verbal arts. An interrogative words like لماذا) why) is a communication channel in these verses that opens up the conversation and shapes the phatic role. Jaberi's creative reference to historical events such as the oppression against Imam Ali (A), the wounding of Hazrat Zahra (pbuh) behind the door of their house, etc., is another channel of communication between him and the recipient of his message. 3-1-4. Referential role When the poet (sender) takes help from the elements that can be received with senses or intuition, he has benefited from the descriptive role of language. The referential function, however, refers to the content of the messege. In some verses, Jaberi focuses the audience's mind on one main topic, namely Quds, and by repeating the کلون ِعینیک, he refers the audience to the real conditions of Quds; with the help of this reference, he conveys the meaning and message of his poem. Jaberi's use of several phonetic styles in the final stanza, ِأنت یا ًقدرا ویا ًوعدا یا ُقدس یا apparently used a phatic function in the construction of his words, but it seems to complete the referential role that he expressed in his previous verses. By repeating the verb "said", Kazemi refers the audience to the outer context of the text and conveys the ideology hidden in the semantic layers of his poem to the recipient of the message in the construction of a referential linguistic role. In Kazemi's verses, according to the orientation of the message of the sender (poet) towards the subject, the referential role of the element is dominant. 3-1-5. Metalingual role Another role of language that seeks to recognize the code used in the message is the metalingual function. The meaning of code here is the one used in communication theory. The use of religious symbols, personality, nature, color, etc. in Jaberi's poems is in line with the transfer of the poet's desired themes and contents, and indicates Jaberi's powerful and poetic thought. Among the symbols that are used a lot in Jaberi's poetry of is اللیل) tonight). Night is a confusing word in the political atmosphere of Iraq. Kazami also uses symbolic language in the discourse of Afghanistan and uses it to create a metalingual structure in his poetry. He beautifully uses a religious symbol in the poem “Kando” and says: "Do not let Zulfiqar turn to the side of someone/ who should roam the field without being hurt by his heart" (Kazemi, 2012, p. 56). Zulfiqar is a symbol of Imam Ali's bravery. 3-1-6. Poetic role Another main function in the verbal message is the poetic role. When the direction of the message is towards itelf, poetic role is at work. In an ode, Jaberi conveys his message well by using an expressive فاطمة تخرج من عرش اهلل/ في عینیها شمعة / تطفئها ریحُ :says and eة تزرعها..الغربة) Fatima comes out from the throne of God/ In her eyes is a candle/ which the wind of loneliness extinguishes, and the tears grow.) Tears are one of the expressions of the eyes. 4. Conclusion Jacobsen's communication theory is one of the best contemporary language-communication theories that is used to analyze literary texts to achieve their meanings. Therefore, examining and analyzing linguistic functions in the resistance discourse of Jaber Al-Jaberi and Mohammad Kazemi in the framework of Jacobsen's communication model is considered the best tool of literary analysis to achieve the meanings hidden in the poetic messages of these two poets of resistance literature. The linguistic roles used in the poetry of these two poets, the main pillars of the communication pattern between the poet (sender) and the audience (receiver), are used in a complementary way, and one function cannot be considered as the dominant element. Both poets are masterful in their use of metalingual role; it are used in many ways, but with special and different verbal structure, and the poets confront the receiver (addressee) with differences in message and meaning. Jaberi and Kazemi have been able to express their inner feelings and emotions to the audience by using the emotive role of language. They have performed well in persuading the audience to learn from religious-historical events and have performed well in connecting with the audience and creating a phatic function in the themes of resistance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index