Bone pattern changes in post liver transplant patients using bisphosphonates.

Autor: Bueno, Marcus Vinícius, Munhoz, Luciana, Ortega, Karem L., Peres, Maria Paula Siqueira de Melo, Franco, Juliana Bertoldi
Zdroj: Special Care in Dentistry; Jul/Aug2024, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p1273-1279, 7p
Abstrakt: Objective: To identify radiographic findings suggestive of drug‐induced osteonecrosis and evaluate radiomorphometric patterns indicative of changes in bone mineral density in individuals transplanted for liver disorders using bisphosphonates. Study Design: The study group included panoramic x‐rays of liver transplant patients who are being monitored and who present a clinical status of osteoporosis and use bisphosphonates. The control group was made up of liver transplant patients who did not have osteoporosis. On panoramic radiographs, mental index (MI) and mandibular cortical index (MCI) and the presence of radiographic anomalies suggestive of osteonecrosis were evaluated. Results: There were significant statistical results when comparing the groups in relation to the decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) with MCI‐C3 (p = 0.036), however, there were none in relation to MI (p = 0.14). There were no valid statistical results when relating MCI (p = 0.94) and MI (p = 0.66) with reduced BMD and use of bisphosphonates. Conclusion: Liver transplant individuals using bisphosphonates present greater radiographic signs of bone sclerosis suggestive of a greater propensity to develop osteonecrosis of the jaw and an increased risk of presenting changes suggestive of reduced bone mineral density on panoramic radiographs when compared to liver transplant individuals not using bisphosphonates. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index