Editorial: Reviews in personality and social psychology.

Autor: Matthews, Gerald, Dagnall, Neil, López Sánchez, Guillermo Felipe
Zdroj: Frontiers in Psychology; 2024, p1-3, 3p
Abstrakt: This document is an editorial published in Frontiers in Psychology. It discusses the research topic of reviews in personality and social psychology. The editorial highlights three unresolved issues in the field: the scope of constructs considered within the personality domain, the role of context in personality, and identifying mediating processes that transmit impacts of traits on behaviors. The document also provides summaries of several articles within the research topic that address these issues, including topics such as cultural variation in personality, the relationship between personality and health, and the use of Situation Judgment Tests in teacher selection. Overall, the editorial emphasizes the importance of trait theories in assessing personal characteristics and developing interventions in various applied fields. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index