On the elastoplastic behaviour and fracture of graphite and C/C composites: experiments and numerical simulations.

Autor: Flores-Johnson, E. A., Irman, K., Townsend, J., Yang, C., Al-Hilfi, S., Didugu, S., Reiner, J., Kruzic, J. J., Windes, W. E., Muránsky, O.
Zdroj: EA National Conference Publications; 2024, p81-87, 7p
Abstrakt: Carbon-based materials, such as graphite and carbon/carbon (C/C) composites, are utilised in various hightemperature applications. For instance, pure graphite is extensively employed in nuclear reactors as a neutron moderator, while C/C composites are predominantly used in specialised high-value applications, such as the nose cone and wing leading edges of NASA's space shuttle. Understanding the mechanical and fracture behaviour of these materials is paramount in ensuring the overall safety of the high-temperature engineering system. In this study, nuclear-grade graphite and needle-punched C/C composite were tested using the splitting tensile strength test, which indirectly evaluated their tensile behaviour. Finite element simulations were then performed to gain insights into both tested materials' elastoplastic and fracture behaviour. The experimental results showed that graphite and C/C composites exhibited an initial linear elastic behaviour in tension, followed by a plastic regime until the maximum load was reached. After the peak load, the graphite specimen failed in a brittle fashion. In contrast, for the C/C composite, the needle fibre bundles enabled different energy-absorbing failure mechanisms, including delamination and matrix cracking and a globalised deformation. The FE models could predict the tension mechanical behaviours and the damage onset of the specimens. The findings herein encourage further investigations using FE simulations to predict the mechanical behaviour of C/C composites and graphite for extreme environment applications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index