The Prediction of Incremental Damage on Optics from the Final Optic Assembly in an ICF High-Power Laser Facility.

Autor: Hu, Xueyan, Zhou, Wei, Guo, Huaiwen, Huang, Xiaoxia, Zhao, Bowang, Zhong, Wei, Zhu, Qihua, Chen, Zhifei
Zdroj: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Jun2024, Vol. 14 Issue 12, p5226, 18p
Abstrakt: High-power laser facilities necessitate predicting incremental damage to final optics to identify evolving damage trends. In this study, we propose a surface damage detection method utilizing image segmentation employing ResNet-18 and a damage area estimation network employing U-Net++. Paired sets of online and offline images of optics obtained from a large laser facility are used to train the network. The trends of varying damage could be identified by incorporating additional experimental parameters. A key advantage of the proposed method is that the network can be trained end to end on small samples, eliminating the need for manual labeling or feature extraction. The software developed based on these models can facilitate the daily inspection and maintenance of optics in large laser facilities. By effectively applying deep learning techniques, we successfully addressed the challenges faced by traditional methods in handling complex environments, achieving the accurate identification and prediction of damages on optics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index