Comparison of the Detection Rate and Specificity of Irregular Red Blood Cell Antibodies Between First-Time Pregnant Women and Women With a History of Multiple Pregnancies Among 18,010 Chinese Women.

Autor: Wu, Shujie, Wu, Yinglin, Guo, Ganping, Xie, Rungui, Wu, Yuanjun
Zdroj: Journal of Pregnancy; 5/31/2024, Vol. 2024, p1-6, 6p
Abstrakt: Background: There is insufficient evidence to assess the risk of the production of clinically important alloimmune irregular red blood cell (RBC) antibodies in first-time pregnant women. Methods: Using the microcolumn gel antiglobulin method, 18,010 Chinese women with a history of pregnancy and pregnant women were screened for irregular RBC antibodies, and for those with positive test results, antibody specificity was determined. The detection rate and specificity of irregular RBC antibodies in women with a history of multiple pregnancies (two or more) and first-time pregnant women were determined. Results: In addition to 25 patients who passively acquired anti-D antibodies via an intravenous anti-D immunoglobulin injection, irregular RBC antibodies were detected in 121 (0.67%) of the 18,010 women. Irregular RBC antibodies were detected in 93 (0.71%) of the 13,027 women with a history of multiple pregnancies, and antibody specificity was distributed mainly in the Rh, MNSs, Lewis, and Kidd blood group systems; irregular RBC antibodies were detected in 28 (0.56%) of the 4983 first-time pregnant women, and the antibody specificity was distributed mainly in the MNSs, Rh, and Lewis blood group systems. The difference in the percentage of patients with irregular RBC antibodies between the two groups was insignificant ( χ 2 = 1.248 , P > 0.05). Of the 121 women with irregular RBC antibodies, nine had anti-Mur antibodies, and one had anti-Dia antibodies; these antibodies are clinically important but easily missed because the antigenic profile of the reagent RBCs that are commonly used in antibody screens does not include the antigens that are recognized by these antibodies. Conclusion: Irregular RBC antibody detection is clinically important for both pregnant women with a history of multiple pregnancies and first-time pregnant women. Mur and Dia should be included in the antigenic profile of reagent RBCs that are used for performing antibody screens in the Chinese population. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index