Finite time blow-up to the Cauchy problem in a higher dimensional two species chemotaxis system.

Autor: Tae Gab Ha, Seyun Kim
Zdroj: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences; 5/15/2024, Vol. 47 Issue 7, p6633-6651, 19p
Abstrakt: In this paper, we study a blow-up radial solution to the fully parabolic chemotaxis system with the higher dimensional two species Cauchy problem. In addition, we show that the set of positive radial functions in L¹(R) ∩ L (RN) × L1(R) ∩ L∞ ( RN) × W1,1 ( RN) ∩ W1,∞ ( RN) has a dense subset composed of positive radial initial data causing blow-up in finite time with respect to topology Lp (RN) × Lp (RN) × H¹ (RN) ∩ W1,1 (RN) for p ∈ [ 1, 2N/N+2 ) . [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index