Laser Photocoagulation of Superficial Proliferating Hemangiomas.

Autor: Waner, Milton, James Yee Suen, Dinehart, S., Mallory, S. B.
Zdroj: Journal of Dermatologic Surgery & Oncology; Jan94, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p43-46, 4p
Abstrakt: Hemangiomas present at, or soon after birth, proliferate and eventually involute. In spite of this, children may suffer severe psychosocial trauma during the formative years of their lives, and, in a proportion of cases, a cosmetically unacceptable result is left at the end of involutions Since flashlamp pumped dye lasers have been shown to selectively destroy ectatic dermal vascular tissue through in tact epidermis, 6 patients with very early superficial cutaneous hemangiomas were treated. All treated areas resolved completely and treatment was completed by 12 months. No complications were encountered apart from mild, temporary post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which was seen in one patient. This, however, resolved completely within 3 months of treatment. Flashlamp pumped dye lasers are thus able to effect complete resolution of very superficial proliferating cutaneous hemangiomas in neonates and infants without the risk of scarring. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index