A Warm Welcome and Exciting Horizons for Marriage & Family Review: Volume 60 (2024), Issue 1.

Autor: James Jr, Anthony G., Hughes, Chiquita M., Brown, Tiffany L., Roy, Roudi Nazarinia, Mitchell, Yolanda T., Spencer, Lauren, Sun, Wenting, Wu, Angel
Zdroj: Marriage & Family Review; Jan/Feb2024, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p1-3, 3p
Abstrakt: The editorial team of Marriage & Family Review welcomes readers to Volume 60 and expresses their excitement for the expansion of the State of Families (SoF) project. They invite scholars and institutions to partner with them in creating SoF reports specific to their regions or countries. The team also announces that they will begin publishing accepted SoF reports, providing brief and in-depth analyses of family life in various locations. They express gratitude to contributors and reviewers who have made the journal successful and announce the addition of new members to the editorial team. Additionally, they introduce a data report series that will examine family structure and poverty changes across ethnic groups in the United States. The team believes that the SoF project can revolutionize our understanding of families worldwide and invites readers to engage with the reports and contribute to the project. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index