Numerical investigation into the effect of duct use on the performance of controllable pitch propellers.

Autor: YURTSEVEN, Ahmet
Zdroj: Seatific Journal; Dec2023, Vol. 3 Issue 2, p43-50, 8p
Abstrakt: This study uses CFD methods to solve the complex flow around a CPP propeller with ducts and aims to investigate the performance differences between ducted and non-ducted propeller designs. In particular, the values for pitch changes and blade spindle torques have been determined at different advance ratios. The study uses STAR-CCM+, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, and has preferred the k-ε model to predict turbulence in the flow. In addition to the thrust coefficient, torque coefficient, and propeller efficiency, the study also examines blade spindle torque, whichprovides movement to the propeller blades. The use of ducts at low advance ratios is found to be beneficial in terms of both improving performance and reducing torque. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index