Effect of dietary supplementation of Spirulina platensis powder on performance, some serum biochemistry, digestive enzymes, microbial content, antioxidant parameters and immune responses of growing Japanese quail.

Autor: Abdel-Wahab, A. A., Elnesr, Shaaban S., Ahmad, Enas A. M., Abdel-Kader, I. A.
Zdroj: Animal Biotechnology; Dec2023, Vol. 34 Issue 9, p4869-4877, 9p
Abstrakt: This study was performed to examine the influences of Spirulina platensis powder (SPP) on growth performance, physiological status, blood biochemistry, and intestinal microbial population in quail. 240-10-days old Japanese quail chicks were distributed into five groups. Each group had four replicate pens with 12 birds each. The first group received a basal diet (control group). Groups from two to five received the basal diet with SPP at levels of 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0% as dietary ingredients, respectively. Results clarified significantly higher live body weight and body weight gain (p < 0.001) with significant enhancements (p < 0.001) in feed conversion values for groups that received SPP levels, especially 4.5% compared with the control and other groups. Birds fed on a diet containing SPP had significantly higher amylase, trypsin and lipase levels (p < 0.001) than the control. Intestinal Lactobacillus sp. was significantly increased, and Escherichia coli and Salamonella populations were significantly decreased by dietary SPP levels (p < 0.001). Liver function, total lipid profile, antioxidant parameters and immune response were significantly affected by SPP levels compared with the control (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the inclusion of SPP until 4.5% in quail diets could improve the growth performance, intestinal microbial population and serum biochemical constituents of growing quail. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index