Imaging Modality and Outcomes in Patients with Skull Base Osteomyelitis.

Autor: Waring, Nicholas A., Hamiter, Mickie, Chung, Phillip, Kim, Ana H
Zdroj: Journal of Neurological Surgery. Part B. Skull Base; 2024 Supplement, Vol. 85, pS1-S398, 398p
Abstrakt: This article, published in the Journal of Neurological Surgery, explores the use of different imaging modalities in diagnosing skull base osteomyelitis (SBO) and their impact on treatment outcomes. The study found that CT was the most commonly used imaging modality, followed by MRI and a combination of CT, MRI, and/or nuclear medicine. PET was used in a small number of cases. The results showed that the imaging modality used did not have a significant association with treatment duration. However, patients with aspergillus-positive SBO tended to require longer treatment. The study suggests that despite recommendations for PET/CT or PET/MRI, these modalities are not widely used in current practice due to lack of awareness and cost. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index