Use of different indices to assess the ecological status of lake systems in the eastern mediterranean river basin.

Autor: Maraşlıoğlu, Faruk, Coşkun, Tolga, Çetin, Tolga, Kağnıcıoğlu, Nazmi, Ekmekçi, Fatih, Şahin, Mustafa
Zdroj: International Journal of Limnology; 2023, Vol. 59, p1-14, 14p
Abstrakt: The objective of this research was to assess the ecological status of lentic systems in the Eastern Mediterranean River basin (Türkiye) using some biotic (Q index, PT-BV, MedPTI, TDIL, and PTI) and abiotic (WQI, WQImin-nw, TSI, TLI, and Kna) indices. Phytoplankton species such as Peridinium cinctum, Ceratium hirundinella, and Gyrosigma balticum were the species that contributed the most to the algal biovolume of lake systems with different ecological statuses in the basin. According to the results, it was seen that CCA coordination, which analyzed the relationship structures between dominant phytoplankton taxa and environmental water quality parameters, explained the variation sufficiently. As pointed out in the CCA analysis, conductivity and ammonium were the main environmental parameters influencing algal assemblages at sampling sites in the basin (p < 0.01). Strong correlations were observed between TSI and TLI (correlation coefficient: 0.99), and TDIL showed significant correlation only with the Q index (p < 0.01). TSI, TLI and WQI, abiotic indices, indicated significant correlations with most environmental parameters (p < 0.01), while PTI, a biotic index, had weak correlations with most environmental parameters (p > 0.05). Among the indices used in this study, it seems that diatom-based TDIL and physicochemical-based WQI appear to be the most suitable indices for assessing the ecological status of lentic systems in the Mediterranean region. Accordingly, it can be deduced that coupling biotic and abiotic indices is more accurate in determining the water quality of lentic systems. The Eastern Mediterranean River basin is located in southern Turkey and emptiesinto the Mediterranean Sea. The main sources of pollution are urban and industrialwastewater and agricultural and livestockactivities. Studies have found the water quality and trophic status of the basin to be mesotrophic. The aim of the study is to examine the correlations between various physicochemical parameters, phytoplankton species, biotic indices, and abiotic indices, and to evaluate the ecological status of the lentic systems in the Eastern Mediterranean River basin in Turkey. The results showed that phytoplankton species such as Peridinium cinctum, Ceratium hirundinella, and Gyrosigmabalticum were the most significant contributors to the algal biomass of the lake systems in the basin. The findings indicated that the water quality of the lakes was better in the spring season, and Akgöl Lake was found to be the shallow lake with the lowest ecological status among the lakes in the Eastern Mediterranean River basin. The results of the biotic and abiotic indices mostly indicated that the distal areas of the lakes, L1, L3, L4, L5, L6, and L7, had high ecological status.The results showed that the main ecological factors affecting the dominant phytoplankton species were conductivity and ammonium levels. The relationship between the biotic and abiotic indices was strong, with diatom-based TDIL and the physicochemical-based WQI appearing to be the most suitable for assessing the ecological status of lentic systems in the region. The study concluded that combining both biotic and abiotic indices provides a more accuratedetermination of water quality in lentic systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index