Findings from University of California Broaden Understanding of Health and Medicine (Developing Gender-Affirming Surgery Curricula for Plastic Surgery Residency and Fellowship via Delphi Consensus).

Zdroj: Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week; 1/28/2024, p181-181, 1p
Abstrakt: A recent study conducted by the University of California aimed to develop standardized curricula for gender-affirming surgery (GAS) in plastic surgery residency and fellowship programs. The study involved a panel of experts who identified core curricula statements in six categories related to GAS. Through a modified Delphi method, consensus was reached on 84 curriculum statements, with 51 for residency and 31 for fellowship. The implementation of this curriculum will ensure that plastic surgery trainees are adequately prepared in the field of GAS. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index