Design of vibration reduction tools in RX 450 rocket payload.

Autor: Djatmiko, Agus Budi, Putra, Ronald Gunawan, Digdoyo, Aji, Rahmasari, Fauzhia, Anwar, Saepul
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2023, Vol. 2941 Issue 1, p1-10, 10p
Abstrakt: The success of launching a rocket is determined by many factors, including the structure, aerodynamics, static stability, propulsion and, last but not least, the discussion about the vibration system that occurs on the rocket's payload. The rocket in flight experiences a disturbing force due to the thrust of the rocket, this force is a forced harmonic force that can cause vibrations in the rocket. As a result of the vibrations generated, it can cause damage or non-functioning of the electronic equipment in the rocket's payload. Based on experience during the launch of the rocket, the GPS (Global Positioning System) device contained in the rocket's payload experienced a disturbance when the rocket experienced a G-force of 10 Earth's gravity, making it difficult to track the rocket's whereabouts. For this reason, a vibration dampening device was designed for the rocket load. The apparatus consists of leaf springs arranged in such a way that a damping effect on vibrations occurs. The purpose of this vibration dampening device research is to reduce vibrations that occur due to rocket propulsion, so that the transmitted vibrations or transmissibility to the RX 450 rocket load can be minimized and can increase the ability of electronic equipment in the rocket's load to vibration disturbances. Vibration damper using AISI 1045 material with an elasticity modulus E = 200 Gpa, spring stiffness k = 270,000 N/m. and the damping coefficient c = 7,340 N/m/sec. The design results with the mass of the rocket load m = 50 kg, with a forced harmonic force of 6.9 g, namely F0 = 2915 N, it can be seen at the time of resonance ω/ω11 = 1,0 that the mutant amplitude is X = 6.28 mm and Transmissibility TR = 1.15. Then after a state of resonance, the magnitude of the transmissibility TR<1.15 and reaching zero, as desired and it can be said that the RX 450 rocket reducer device worked well. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index