Study Findings from Eskisehir Osmangazi University Advance Knowledge in Labor Pain (The effectiveness of aromatherapy in the management of labor pain: A meta-analysis).

Zdroj: Clinical Trials Week; 12/12/2023, p1790-1790, 1p
Abstrakt: A meta-analysis study conducted by researchers at Eskisehir Osmangazi University in Turkey has found that aromatherapy can be effective in managing labor pain. The study analyzed 14 randomized controlled trials and found that aromatherapy, using oils such as lavender, jasmine, rose, chamomile, bitter orange, and boswellia, had a beneficial effect on reducing labor pain in 11 of the studies. The researchers concluded that aromatherapy can lessen labor pain. This information may be useful for individuals seeking non-pharmacological methods to manage labor pain. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index