Determinant Factors of Training Result Implementation of General and Covid-19 Corpse Handling Forensic Department of Drajat Prawiranegara Hospital.

Autor: Chairulfalah, A. Machron, Riyanto, Dwi Agung, Nurliana, Lia, Nurjaman
Zdroj: KnE Social Sciences; 8/4/2023, p42-52, 11p
Abstrakt: This study aims to determine the factors that influence the results of the training for the general burial of corpses and the bodies of COVID-19 for the forensic section of the Serang Hospital in 2021. The research design uses cross-sectional quantitative method, the research sample were all 150 respondents of the general corpse and Covid-19 corpse handling training participants. Quantitative data collection was obtained by providing a questionnaire that has been developed about the factors that affect the implementation of the results of the training to former training participants sent via email or sent directly. The analytical technique used in testing the hypothesis is structural equation modeling (SEM). The measurement of research variables was carried out using formative indicators, where the indicators describe constructs. The technique used to analyze the variables of this research was SEM with the XLSTAT PLS-PM program. Implementation of the results of the funeral training includes socialization, cadre, organizing, and counseling. The implementations that have been carried out by the trainees in each unit/section and 3 arrangements for the funeral procession are socialization (28.77%), cadre (6.85%), organizing (2.74%), and counseling (21.9%). Based on the results of the implementation, it can be seen that the lowest implementation in the three settings is cadre and organization. The implementation of cadre and organization is mostly carried out only in units/sections and in several settings (1 or 2 orders). The results on the assessment on the outer model, for the supporting factor variables, show that the variable that has the biggest influence is legality with an outer weight value of 0.394, while the other variables are not significant because they have an outer weight value below 0.2. The most significant inhibiting factor variables are negotiation failure variables with an outer weight value of 0.225 and a weak coordination variable with an outer weight value of 0.332. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index