Prejudice on Indonesia Social Media.

Autor: Tenriawali, A. Yusdianti, Umanailo, M. Chairul Basrun, Kaharuddin, Kaharuddin, Tandisalla, Johana, Duan, Electronita, Ahmad, Busyairi, Bonso, Hamja
Zdroj: IEOM Annual International Conference Proceedings; Mar2021, p4934-4992, 9p
Abstrakt: This research discusses the form and function of language on social media which is considered to contain the prejudice and racial intolerance. In social media, language is used as a way of expressing thoughts, so that the use of language on social media is full of emotive language. The use of language in social media also tends to be propaganda. Propaganda on social media can be positive and can also be negative by taking advantage of prejudice which serves as a support to influence people who read what is written on social media. This research will focus on analyzing the form and function of language which is considered to contain the prejudice and racial intolerance in social media. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data in this study are texts that are considered to contain negative prejudice on Facebook. The method used is the observation method with documentation techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis includes; identification, classification, analysis, and conclusion. The results showed that the form of discourse strategy used on Facebook was comparison, generalization, and appointment of minorities. The research results also show that all types of discourse strategies tend to be used to show negative prejudice. The language function used is the function of informing and showing goals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index