Flotation separation of a low grade copper lead zinc sulfide ore.

Autor: ZHAO Jie, ZHAO Zhiqiang, LUO Sigang, WANG Guoqiang, HU Yangjia, HU Zhikai
Zdroj: Mining & Metallurgy (10057854); Aug2023, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p40-45, 7p
Abstrakt: For a low grade copper-lead-zinc sulfide ore, the flotation separation experiment was carried out by the process of preferential flotation of copper-lead--zinc-sulfur mixed flotation and zinc-sulfur separation. A high-efficiency and selective copper collector BK916 and lead collector BK906 were used to conduct a copper-lead sequential preferential flotation test study. In the experimental study of zinc-sulfur separation, the combination of environmental protection inhibitor BD and lime effectively inhibited the pyrite in zinc-sulfur mixed concentrate. It can obtain copper concentrate with copper grade of 20.68% and copper recovery rate of 72.98%, lead concentrate with lead grade of 61.38% and lead recovery rate of 73.57%, zinc concentrate with zinc grade of 46.31% and zinc recovery rate of 73.17%, and sulfur concentrate with sulfur grade of 48.54%. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index