To study thyroid dysfunction in patients with chronic liver disease.

Autor: Sharma, Sudhanshu, Dharmesh, Sanjeev Kumar, S. S., Althesnie, Singh, Neelima
Zdroj: Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research); 2023, Vol. 14 Issue 7, p1905-1909, 5p
Abstrakt: Background & Method: The aim of the study is to study thyroid dysfunction in patients with chronic liver disease. 96 Patients with symptoms and signs with biochemical and radiological evidence of chronic liver disease who were admitted in medicine ward of JAH and KRH. All patients underwent a detailed clinical examination at admission. Relevant history and physical examination including symptom and signs of liver failure, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and abdominal vein collaterals were recorded. Ascites was graded as none, mild, moderate and severe. Result: Alcohol was most common (53 cases) Etiology for Chronic Liver Diseases, Hepatitis B and C is responsible for 12 and 9 cases of CLD respectively. Other causes were responsible for 21 cases. 28 cases had raised serum TSH levels while low T3 and T4 levels were seen in 8 and 7 cases respectively. 26 cases turned out to be subclinical hypothyroidism while hypothyroid and sick euthyroid category had 3 cases each. Conclusion: There is significant occurrence of hypothyroidism in patients of chronic liver disease. Chronic Liver Disease is one of the commonest causes of morbidity and mortality all over the world. Liver plays an important role in metabolism of thyroid hormone and vice versa. Chronic liver disease can lead to thyroid dysfunction resulting in derangement of thyroid functions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index