Pure Ni-Based and Trimetallic Ni-Co-Fe Catalysts for the Dry Reforming of Methane: Effect of K Promoter and the Calcination Temperature.

Autor: Khoshroo, Ghazaleh, Sápi, András, Szenti, Imre, Efremova, Anastasiia, Bali, Henrik, B.Ábrahámné, Kornélia, Erdőhelyi, András, Kukovecz, Ákos, Kónya, Zoltán
Zdroj: Catalysis Letters; Sep2023, Vol. 153 Issue 9, p2755-2762, 8p
Abstrakt: This work investigates the effect of the Potassium promoter and the calcination temperature on the catalytic activity in the dry reforming of methane reaction and compares the performance of the Ni, Co, Fe–Al2O3 trimetallic catalysts with the reference Ni–Al2O3. Although higher activity was achieved with the Ni–Al2O3, trimetallic catalysts resulted in a more favorable CO/H2 ratio and considerably better coke resistance. Higher calcination temperature led to the increase in coke formation which caused the sintering of the catalysts. Promoting samples with 0.5%K in order to improve the coke formation resistance, reduced the catalytic activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index