Is all Russian news the same? Framing in Russian news media generated by the Yandex news algorithm for the United States, Estonia, and Russia.

Autor: Erbsen, Heidi, Põldre, Siim
Zdroj: Journalism; Aug2023, Vol. 24 Issue 8, p1789-1816, 28p
Abstrakt: In light of the growing concern about the potential for Russian state sponsored media to be used as a propaganda tool, this study uses the Yandex News algorithm to show the differences in Russian news generated for the United States, Estonia, and Russia. The authors apply and build on the traditional studies of news framing in order to (1) identify cases where headlines and articles are framed differently, (2) determine the relationship between the topic and frame used, (3) compare these findings across three countries, and (4) generate discussion surrounding the reasons for similarities and differences in each case. The use of the Yandex news algorithm, which has been a subject of speculation when it comes to Russian news media, sheds light on how the tool displays information in different country contexts and shows that there is a statistical difference in the issues that appear in the algorithm-generated headlines for each country. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index