The relationship of network embeddedness (tie), open innovation paradigm and innovation activities.

Autor: Davarpanah, Ashkan, Costa, Joana
Zdroj: International Conference on Applied Business & Management; Jul2023, p624-625, 2p
Abstrakt: Purpose: The complexity of different contexts, mobility of knowledge workers, market turbulences, and the fast pace of technological drivers make survival harder for organizations and face the increased risk of innovation. Therefore, companies deploy open innovation strategies and embark on social networking to shorten innovation cycles, decrease R&D costs and overcome the lack of resources. While companies form social networking in different industries to exploit the external knowledge, the analysis of the relationship between industry and academia from the social theory perspective, their degree of openness and the open innovation strategy is the dearth in the research. This study investigates the effect of social network embeddedness on innovation activities, mainly focusing on product and process innovation due to the paramount need for different knowledge structures and processing capabilities. Methodology: Relying upon logistic regressions will allow appraising the importance of the different network structures in process innovation and product innovation and a better understanding the singularities of the different innovation types. Core explanatory variables proxy strong-tie and weak-tie. Also, Open innovation is a control variable in this search due to its importance in modern innovation strategies Results: Econometric results further support the relevance of different network ties, either between university and industry or industry- industry and open innovation strategies on innovation activities. Furthermore, this research may help industries decrease R&D costs, R&D workforce while raising technological products and processes; the evidence reinforces that the establishment of supportive and cooperative R&D agreements permits reaching more ambitious innovation performances. As to the universities, the results may advice on the bureaucracy ease from the inside and for more co-development with industry, higher level of external funding, building up the trust in the long-run partnership with firms, and incentivizing academics who closely work with industry. The findings should be of interest to both innovation policy and higher education policy researchers. As to the industries, this collaboration leads to a higher level of technology know-how transfer, access to the external source of knowledge, talent and networks leading to national economic development. Research limitations: This research is conducted in the context of Portuguese industries and based on adopted measurements from the community innovation survey (CIS). Furthermore, the emphasis of this study is on university and industry collaboration; however, this result may vary in other contexts and social interaction between industry and non-academic entities. Originality: This study is the first to adjust the data and variables from the community innovation survey (CIS) to examine the relationship quality between the academia-industry and innovation activities and address the different types of ties. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index