Construction of a Dynamic Diagnostic Approach for a Fuzzy-Interval Petri Network.

Autor: Lajmi, Fatma, Rashdan, Mostafa, Neji, Bilel, Ghandour, Raymond, Dhouibi, Hedi
Zdroj: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Jul2023, Vol. 13 Issue 13, p7603, 17p
Abstrakt: Fault diagnosis plays a crucial role in enhancing system dependability and minimizing potential catastrophic consequences for both equipment and human safety. This article presents a research study focused on developing a diagnosis and control approach for discrete event systems using the Petri net Fuzzy Interval (IFPN). The Petri net is utilized as a modeling tool for the target system. The paper describes a case study conducted on an ingredient mixing system, where the objective is to maintain the concentration of ingredients within a valid range. A diagnostic framework is constructed and successfully applied to identify faults in the system. The proposed approach is further validated through simulation tests conducted on a mixing system. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index