The Retention and Control Technology for Rock Beams in the Roof of the Roadway: A Case Study.

Autor: Wei, Xin, Shahani, Niaz Muhammad, Zheng, Xigui, Wang, Jiyu, Wang, Yonghui, Chen, Chun, Ren, Zehui
Zdroj: Processes; Jun2023, Vol. 11 Issue 6, p1593, 21p
Abstrakt: Background: Coal mining requires safe and effective roadway support to ensure production and worker safety. Anchor support is a common method used for controlling the roof of coal seams. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of different anchor support schemes and provide a theoretical basis for designing safe and effective roadway support. Methods: The authors used a computer simulation tool called FLAC3D to simulate and analyze the spacing between anchor bolts, anchor bolt length, anchor cable length, and effective roadway roof control, and support the schemes at the western wing roadway in the no. 15 coal seam of no. 1 mine of Ping'an Coal Mine. Results: The study found that using different combinations of anchor bolts and cables with varying lengths could effectively control the deformation of the roadway surrounding rock, depending on the spacing between layers of the coal seam. The most effective support schemes were recommended depending on the specific conditions. Conclusion: The study provides a theoretical basis for the design of anchor support in coal mines, which can ensure the safety of production and improve roadway stability. The results could be useful for other mining operations facing similar challenges in roadway support and stability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index