RIMS Annual Conference 2023.

Zdroj: Multiple Sclerosis Journal; 2023 Suppl 1, Vol. 29, p1-73, 73p
Abstrakt: Submission ID: 52; Submission Group: Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation in MS; Submitter: Clair... Exploring the cognitive trends of the MS population attending a single- centre MS Unit in Ire... Researcher-C Dolan (Principle) & Dr S Hynes B Introduction: b Multiple Sclerosis (MS) impacts the central nervous system. Submission ID: 103; Submission Group: Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation in MS; Submitter: Sofi... Loneliness among older adults with multiple sclerosis in Denmark Sofie Olsgaard Bergien SP 1,2 sp , Marie Lynning SP 1 sp , Maria Kristiansen SP 2 sp and Lasse Skovgaard SP 1 sp SP 1 sp I The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society, Denmark i , SP 2 sp I Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark i B Background: b Due to improvements in medical treatment and rehabilitation, the average life expectancy has increased among people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Submission ID: 115; Submission Group: Application of Current Technologies in MS Rehabilitatio... Assessing the Quality of Life, Epidemiology, and Burden of Disease in Patients with Multiple... Filippo Rumi SP 3 sp , Eugenio Di Brino SP 3 sp , Americo Cicchetti SP 3 sp , Federica Balzani SP 2 sp Giampaolo Brichetto SP 1 sp SP 1 sp I Scientific Research Area, Italian MS Society i , SP 2 sp I Vice-President EMSP (European MS Platform), Coordinator Pharma and Healthcare Corporate Relations, Italian MS Society i , SP 3 sp I Alta Scuola di Economia e Management dei Sistemi Sanitari (ALTEMS) - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma i B Abstract b Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index