A Rare Case: Multiple Mandibular Arteriovenous Malformation With High Output: May A Tooth Extraction Alone Turn To A Catastrophic Condition?

Autor: Aysel, Aziz, Aysan, Eda, Tuncer, Bilge, Turan, Mustafa, Erkılıç, Ezgi
Zdroj: Journal of Anesthesia / Anestezi Dergisi (JARSS); 2023 Special Issue, Vol. 31, p187-188, 2p
Abstrakt: Background: Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) in the mandibular and neck are the potentially life-threatening conditions because of rare and possible massive hemorrhage. They are often first diagnosed by the specialist dentists as hemorrhage and unfavorable condition. In this case report, we aimed to review in the light of related literature how a tooth extraction turned to a catastrophic condition in a patient with multiple AVMs in the mandibular, submandibular and hyoid regions in the light of related literature. Case: The 19-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with AVM in the mandibular and submandibular regions according to the test results performed because of serious hemorrhage after the first tooth extraction at 6 years of age as stated in the anamnesis, has admitted to our hospital with the complaint of leaky hemorrhage around the lower left 3rd molar tooth. The Department of Interventional Radiology performed embolization procedure twice. Tooth extraction was planned after embolization procedure because hemorrhage was triggered due to the movement of the tooth. The patient intubated without a complication using videolaryngoscope. PA projectile hemorrhage from the tooth root started at the moment of insertion of mouth gag in the beginning of the surgical procedure. An acute hemorrhage occurred in one minute. It was attempted to reduce the high output of the AVM embolizing some more branches in interventional Radiology. The tooth was extracted under less hemorrhage since venous pressure was reduced. The patient with hemodynamic stability was admitted in the PACU to be monitored as intubated. The patient with stable night hemodynamics and without hemorrhage was extubated 12 hours later and referred to the service. The approval for the presentation was taken from the patient. Conclusion: AVMs are the extremely rare formations that may cause abundant blood loss during tooth extraction or biopsy and may be lifethreatening unless treated. In these cases, the trauma should be minimized during the induction of general anaesthesia and laryngoscopy, if possible, intubation should be performed gently accompanied with fiberoptic bronchoscopy and videolaryngoscopy. We conclude that multidisciplinary intervention approach (anaesthesiology, ENT, interventional radiology, maxillofacial surgery) as applied in our patient would be valuable in such cases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index