An Introduction to the Special Issue on Digital and Collaborative Higher Education: The Case of the Erasmus+ OpenU Project.

Autor: Pina Stranger, Alvaro, Varas, German, Mobuchon, Gaëlle
Zdroj: Education Sciences; Apr2023, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p325, 9p
Abstrakt: The different proposals have been organized in four groups according to the experimentation objectives: (a) to describe course and platform implementation experiences, (b) to identify organizational requirements for innovative pedagogies, (c) to identify students' and teachers' perceptions, and (d) to understand the role of education policies. Finally, in "Closing the Policy Gap in the Academic Bridge", Firas Al Laban, Martin Reger, and Ulrike Lucke claim that there would a vertical gap in the translation of higher-level policies to local strategies and regulations, and a horizontal gap between educational domains regarding the policy awareness of individual players, putting the bridge between secondary and tertiary education at risk. This Special Issue casts a scholarly lens on collaboration among higher education institutions (HEIs), promoted by digital transformation and "digitalization" [[1]]. For students, LMS services include access to lecture notes, assignments, virtual classrooms, exam results, and submission of assignments, whilst for academics it includes management of course content, submission of student assessment marks, and tracking of students' progress and attendance. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index