IR Spectrometric Studies of CCL4 and Ar Gas Mixtures.

Autor: Korshikov, E., Sokolov, D., Potapchenko, A., Aldiyarov, A.
Zdroj: Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Apr2023, Vol. 211 Issue 1/2, p1-10, 10p
Abstrakt: IR spectrometric studies were performed to examine the cryo-deposition processes and properties of thin cryo-vacuum condensate films containing a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and argon, which were obtained by physical cryo-vacuum deposition at various concentrations. The measurements were carried out in a temperature range of 11–100 K, and the pressure of the gas phase was 10–8 Torr-10–4 Torr. The film thickness in all experiments performed was d = 2 μm. The vibrational spectra of CCl4 in an argon matrix were measured in a frequency range of 400–4200 cm−1 at mixture concentrations (CCl4 + Ar) of 10–90%, 5–95%, and 1–99% and after the argon matrix underwent sublimation. Thermal desorption curves for the yield of the matrix gas (Ar) were obtained in the temperature range of 40–90 K for the (CCl4 and Ar) system. It was found that the CCl4 molecules in the Ar matrix substance underwent cryocapture. The results obtained suggest that carbon tetrachloride can be used as a matrix in low-temperature studies on self-organization processes in thin films. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index