Cladding-Pumped Bismuth-Doped Fiber Laser Emitting in the Wavelength Range 1.3–1.4 μm.

Autor: Vakhrushev, A. S., Kharakhordin, A. V., Khegai, A. M., Alyshev, S. V., Riumkin, K. E., Firstova, E. G., Umnikov, A. A., Lobanov, A. S., Afanas'ev, F. V., Gur'yanov, A. N., Mel'kumov, M. A., Firstov, S. V.
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute; 2022 Suppl 1, Vol. 49, pS1-S6, 6p
Abstrakt: For the first time, the paper reports on the development of a bismuth-doped fiber laser with a generation wavelength of 1.3–1.4 μm pumped into the inner cladding of the active optical fiber by radiation of multimode semiconductor diodes at λ = 0.79 μm. The experimental data concerning the generation modes of various configurations of such laser obtained at variation in the reflectivity and spectral selectivity of used mirrors, as well as the length of active optical fiber are presented. The slope efficiency of the bismuth-doped fiber laser operating at wavelength of 1360 nm achieves 1.4% with respect to the pumping power launched into the optical fiber cladding, and the maximum output power increases 300 mW. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index