Emerging functions of C/EBPβ in breast cancer.

Autor: Matherne, Megan G., Phillips, Emily S., Embrey, Samuel J., Burke, Caitlin M., Machado, Heather L.
Zdroj: Frontiers in Oncology; 1/25/2023, Vol. 13, p01-08, 8p
Abstrakt: Breast tumorigenesis relies on complex interactions between tumor cells and their surrounding microenvironment, orchestrated by tightly regulated transcriptional networks. C/EBPβ is a key transcription factor that regulates the proliferation and differentiation of multiple cell types and modulates a variety of biological processes such as tissue homeostasis and the immune response. In addition, C/EBPβ has well-established roles in mammary gland development, is overexpressed in breast cancer, and has tumor-promoting functions. In this review, we discuss context-specific roles of C/EBPβ during breast tumorigenesis, isoform-specific gene regulation, and regulation of the tumor immune response. We present challenges in C/EBPβ biology and discuss the importance of C/EBPβ isoform-specific gene regulation in devising new therapeutic strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index