Plant system study of France–Japan common concept on Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor.

Autor: Kato, Atsushi, Yamamoto, Tomohiko, Ando, Masato, Chikazawa, Yoshitaka, Murakami, Hisatomo, Oyama, Kazuhiro, Kaneko, Fumiaki, Higurashi, Koichi, Chanteclair, Frédéric, Chenaud, Marie-Sophie, Dechelette, Franck, Hourcade, Edouard, Plancq, David, Rodriguez, Gilles, Carluec, Bernard, Dauphin, Alexandre, Dirat, Jean-François, Hirn, Julien
Zdroj: EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies; 2022, Vol. 8, p1-10, 10p
Abstrakt: This paper provides an overview of plant system studies to establish a common technical view for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) concept (the common SFR concept) between France and Japan based on ASTRID 600 and the new concept with downsized output (ASTRID150). One of important issues on a reactor structure design is to enhance seismic resistance to be tolerable against strong earthquake such that postulated in Japan. A concept of High Frequency Design (HFD) is shared, in which the natural frequency of the reactor structure should be higher than that of peak acceleration of vertical floor seismic response with a horizontal seismic isolation system. The design options related to HFD have been examined and design recommendations are established. ASTRID 600 adopted a gas power conversion system to strictly eliminate the chemical reaction risks due to the proximity of sodium and water in the steam generator units. On the other hand, a steam generator (SG) is thought to be a concept with high technical readiness level and is a reference option in Japan and a backup option in France. Then, design comparison of the SG with single-walled helical coil tubes was mainly conducted in this study from the viewpoint of safety and so on. A common concept of a decay heat removal system is discussed to achieve practical elimination of loss of decay heat removal function. A fuel handling system studies are performed to eliminate and ex-vessel storage of spent fuels in sodium to reduce a construction cost. An adequate confinement system is investigated to achieve practical mitigation of large radiological release to the environment even under the condition of core destructive accident. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index