Abstrakt: |
It must be published as In manuscript: Karen Giselle Rodriguez-Castro, Frederico Gemesio Lemos, Fernanda Cavalcanti Azevedo, Mozart Caetano Freitas-Junior, Arnaud Léonard Jean Desbiez & Pedro Manoel Galetti Jr. Correction to: Biodiversity and Conservation (2022) 31:1229-1247 https://doi.org/10.1007/s105... In the original article, the names of authors were published as Rodriguez-Castro Karen Giselle - Lemos Frederico Gemesio - Azevedo Fernanda Cavalcanti - Freitas-Junior Mozart Caetano - Desbiez Arnaud Léonard Jean - Galetti Jr. Pedro Manoel. And in citation: Rodriguez-Castro, KG., Lemos, FG., Azevedo, FC., Freitas-Junior, MC., Desbiez, ALJ. [Extracted from the article] |