About Shewhart control charts to monitor the Weibull mean based on a Gamma distribution.

Autor: Vasconcelos, Renata M. R., Quinino, Roberto C., Ho, Linda L., Cruz, Frederico R. B.
Zdroj: Quality & Reliability Engineering International; Dec2022, Vol. 38 Issue 8, p4210-4222, 13p
Abstrakt: A control chart for the mean of a process whose quality characteristic follows a Weibull distribution is evaluated. In this sense, a transformation that follows an exponential distribution is used involving the parameters of scale and form of a Weibull distribution. Such a transformation allows to obtain analytically the control limits to monitor the mean using the Gamma distribution. Compared with recent results in the literature, lower average run lengths after a change (ARL1) values are measured without the need to use intensive Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the control limits as well as to calculate the ARL1 values. A numerical example is presented in detail to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the developed control chart. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index