The Effect of Problem-Solving Skills Training on the Moral Distress of Novice Nurses.

Autor: Beiranvand, Zeynab, Sajadi, Mahbobeh, Taheri, Majid, Shamsikhani, Soheila
Zdroj: Arak Medical University Journal; Apr/May2022, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p2-13, 12p
Abstrakt: Background and Aim Moral stress happens when a person makes a moral decision but cannot accomplish it, mainly due to internal and external organizational limitations. Problem-solving skills training as one of the principles of stress management may be effective in controlling nurses’ moral stress. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of problem-solving skills training on the moral stress of novice nurses. Methods & Materials This study was a clinical trial performed on 70 novice nurses working in Shohaday Khorramabad Hospital, Khorramabad City, Iran. The samples were selected by convenience sampling and randomly divided into intervention (n=36) and control (n=35) groups. The study data were collected by demographic questionnaire and Corley’s moral distress scale. Before the intervention, participants of both groups completed those questionnaires. Then for the intervention group, a problem-solving skills workshop was held in six 2-hour sessions. After training, the Corley moral distress scale was completed again by participants of both groups. Finally, the data were analyzed by the Chi-square test, paired, and independent t tests in SPSS software v. 16. Ethical Considerations This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Arak University of Medical Sciences with the ethical code IR.ARAKMU.REC.1395.449. Informed consent was taken from all participants, and they were assured of keeping their information confidential. ResultsIn this study, most participants were around 25 years old. Also, 98.5% had Bachler’s degrees, and 1.5% had Master’s degrees. The study results showed that the mean of moral distress in the intervention was significantly different from before the intervention (P<0.05). Conclusion This study showed that applying problem-solving skills has a significant effect in decreasing the moral distress of novice nurses in the clinical setting. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index