Simone Biles.

Autor: Park, Alice, Gregory, Sean, Shah, Simmone, Popli, Nik
Zdroj: Time International (Atlantic Edition); 12/27/2021, Vol. 198 Issue 23/24, p74-74, 1p
Abstrakt: Biles alone won't change mental-health inequities or force a society that has long paid lip service to the importance of mental health to do more. Around 9 p.m. on July 27, as Simone Biles soared high above the vault at the Tokyo Olympics, she lost herself. So when a Black female athlete like Biles takes visible steps to safeguard her own mental and physical health, to indicate that it's worth protecting, that action carries a special power. It took Biles about a year after the first Nassar survivors came forward to reveal publicly that she is one of them; her mother Nellie remembers Biles calling her in tears in 2017, saying she needed to talk to her. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index
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