Memory War.

Autor: Shuster, Simon, Popli, Nik, Dickstein, Leslie
Zdroj: Time International (Atlantic Edition); 10/11/2021, Vol. 198 Issue 13/14, p60-60, 1p
Abstrakt: In the absence of a clear line of command between the Kremlin and the oligarchs, the boundary is often blurred, and never more so than in the case of Fridman's plans for Babyn Yar. Though its sponsors include several oligarchs, from both Russia and Ukraine, Fridman is by far the wealthiest and most powerful among them. On a breezy afternoon last spring, the Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman took me on a tour of a public park near the center of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, along with a team of aides, architects, historians and artists. In an awkward twist for Zissels, the group's longtime president, Ronald Lauder, a Republican stalwart and former U.S. ambassador to Austria, sits on the board of the Babyn Yar memorial project alongside Fridman. [Extracted from the article]
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