The Potential of Alpha Lipoic Acid to Maintain Liver Function Tests in Xenobiotic-Induced Liver Toxicity: A Narrative Review.

Autor: Tiiba, Jamal-Deen I., Sule, Mohammed B., Ahmadu, Peter U., Naamawu, Alhassan, Fuseini, Memunatu, Raymond, Anecham, Osei-Amoah, Evelyn, Bobrtaa, Peter C., Bacheyie, Peter P., Abdulai, Mohammed, Alidu, Issah, Alhassan, Ahmed, Jemilatu, Hamid G., Yussif, Abukari, Tereku, Tayawn P., Sakyi, Abigail A., Yeng, Titus N., Aziz, Sanda A., Mankana, ßAbdul-Hafiz, Wahab, Hussein A.
Zdroj: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research; Jul2022, Vol. 6 Issue 7, p1010-1018, 9p
Abstrakt: Acuteßliverßinjury (ALI) isßa life-threateningßmedicalßemergencyßwhichßinvolves multiple organ ßsystems. The synthetic, metabolicßandßexcretoryßfunctionsßofßtheßliver are ßseverely impaired in ALI.ßALIßis defined asßa rapid development of ALI with encephalopathyßin patients who previouslyßhadßnormalßliver functions. Drug-induced hepatotoxicityßor druginduced liver injury (DILI) isßan acute orßchronicßresponse to aßnaturalßorßmanufactured compound. In the US, it ßisßthe leadingßcauseßof acute liverßfailureßepisodes (13-16%). ßThe development of these disorders reflects complex pathological ßprocessesßinßwhich ßthe oxidative ßstress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS)ßand reactive nitrogen species (RNS) playßpivotal roles. Alphaßlipoic acid (ALA), which plays an essential role as an antioxidant has drawn considerable attention for use in managing liver disorders. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index