Can Green Marketing Increase Product Sales?

Autor: Maulana, Muhammad Toriq, Hermawan, Sigit, Fitriyah, Hadiah
Zdroj: KnE Social Sciences; 6/20/2022, p283-289, 7p
Abstrakt: The world is becoming increasingly aware of the adverse effects of using materials that harm the environment. As a result, green marketing is increasingly being used as a marketing strategy to help business growth. However, environmentally friendly products are generally more expensive than their conventional counterparts, as the materials used are more expensive. The purpose of this article was to address the question of whether a green marketing strategy can attract consumers and increase the sales of a product? The method used in this study was a systematic literature review using as the literature source. The results indicated that not all green marketing strategies are effective in increasing sales such as those carried out in underdeveloped areas. However, it is effective if used in big cities and on consumers who are aware of the importance of environmentally friendly products. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index