Obrazy transformacji w Polsce i zmiany ich interpretacji.

Zdroj: Public History Weekly; 2021, p1-9, 9p
Abstrakt: The article will describe nine images characteristic to the period of Polish transformation 1989-1993: pictures from round table talks and secret negotiations in Magdalenka, a poster from the 1989 election, a photo of Tadeusz Mazowiecki after he was elected prime minister, a picture of the dismantling of the Felix Dzierżyński monument, a recording from the last congress of the Polish United Workers Party in January 1990, a photo of the ceremony of passing the insignia of the Polish Second Republic to president Wałęsa in December 1990, one of the pictures documenting the spontaneous beginnings of free trade and a photo documenting the withdrawal of the last Russian troops in September 1993. Not only the history behind them will be presented, but also the changing symbolical meaning and interpretation of those images over three decades. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index