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The field of software development has been rich alongside its heterogeneous nature. In the past few decades, paradigms and research work cultures have also undergone different changes. As every software is confined to an order, which ensure its steadiness and empowers it to be perceptible by our eyes, and builds up "similarities to" and "contrasts from" the alternative software(s). Adding new features to the current framework is exceptionally repetitive and dreary. Additionally, doing the progressions without influencing the working of the proposed framework requires a ton of manual hours. In light of this, the domain of software transplantation assumes a significant role alongside the sub-domains, which likewise requires consideration. The authors investigated the accessible literature till year 2019, in domain confined to Software Transplantation. As only handfuls of articles were accessible relate to the domain, so the investigation was stretched out further to softwares features with context to the source code. This paper is intended for those who are working in the field of software architecture, concept traceability, bug localization; where they need an insight as well as the need to highlight the area-of-interest—software artifacts. The paper answers questions such as: (1) How to discover/identify feature(s)-of-interest? (2) What should be the selection criteria for picking feature(s)-of-interest? (3) How to locate the source code of the feature(s)-of-interest in the software space? (4) What extraction procedure to be followed for feature(s)-of-interest? [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |